While everyone has their own skin type, the barrier function of the skin and its importance remains the same for everyone. Our skin is here to protect us and in return, we need to provide it with appropriate care and give our skin the best moisturiser (and moisturisation) possible. However, the best moisturiser isn’t necessarily relative to the price tag associated, it’s about choosing the best one for you and your skin. We talked to Dr. Fabrizio Spada about skin and why we need to choose the best moisturiser we can to protect its functions.
The skin is the largest organ that we have and is responsible for the interface between our body and the environment. It is involved in temperature regulation, and our immune response to environmental factors, so taking proper care of its structure is very important, and that’s why you want appropriate cleansing to remove debris or other contaminants form the environment, but you also want to make sure the structure is in intact to maintain the hydration that is intrinsic in our skin.